The Flash #788....4 Stars
The Flash # 788 I am living proof that having duplicate heroes running around the DC Universe is bad for business.(ie; 2 Flash's minus Garrick) Why is that you may ask? Well, I enjoyed Williamson's run so much that when they made the transition back to Wally West, I simply couldn't follow the new run, despite my best attempts to do so, because I became attached to Barry Allen. It is why I therefore theorize (though I have no evidence to support the claim I'm about to make) that this may be the reason why Flash sales aren't higher than what they are, because creative is definitely not the problem. In issue #788, Jeremy Adams brings us a great story about the Rouges being employed by the new mayor of the city Gregory Wolfe, whose out for personal revenge against masked vigilantes in the city (Aka, superheroes). One could argue that the plotline isn't wholly original, but that's okay, because it doesn't have to be. Like altering a cool guitar riff to m...