The New Golden Age.....4 Stars

 The New Golden Age 

I did a total media blackout on this before I read the issue. The announcement of  Geoff Johns coming back to write the JSA was a big deal amongst DC comic fans, so I did not want to be influenced in anyway by other people's opinions, so no comic reviews, you tube, comic forums or, reddit, before cracking open this book. Thus my thoughts on this issue are as pure and unbiased as I could possibly make them. 

The most positive aspect of this comic that stood out for me was the colouring. The inkers are often overlooked, but the deep lush & bright colours in this comic book are amazing. It really helped bring the characters and story to life. So kudos to Nick Filardi & the others (There are a ton of artists & inkers who worked on this book) The art as well in this comic is top notch, but now for the writing. 

Geoff Johns is one of my favourite writers of the last 20 years or so, but for me his earlier work is his best, partially because my interest in comics has waned during certain periods of my life so I haven't read his full DC biography, but also because I find that when a writer gets on in years, they often get bogged down in creating epicy plotlines. (There is a bit of that going on here)

Overall the story is good, but the constant time jumping back and forth from the past, present and future, gets a bit tiring. There is no Golden Age Black Canary which doesn't really bother me, and I'm intrigued by the return of Helena Wayne, and why this demonic entity is haunting her.  

As to who or what this nefarious spirit is ( a lord of chaos per chance), and why it requires to kill off versions of Dr. Fate en mass to achieve its goal remains a mystery, that will no doubt be revealed in the upcoming JSA mini series, which I will be sure to buy.

4 stars out of 5



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