Suicide Squad Blaze # 2 .....4.5 Stars

 Suicide Squad Blaze #2

First of the art in this comic is incredible! Kudos to Aaron Campbell, and Simon Spurrier's writing is golden. I often find that British comic writers are very dark and gritty, and he definitely brings the grit, but what I like about his writing the most is his ability to nail down these characters personalities, and shine a light on their eccentric behaviours. His take on Harley Quinn and the Peacemaker are great, and to get me to like Harley Quinn in no easy feat, but I am loving her in this comic. There is some classic humorous lines in here, that I won't spoil for you, and some naughty language (Definitely not one for the kiddies) but all around this is a really good comic. 

DC has been putting out some great elseworlds comics of late, DC VS. Vampires, The Human Target, add this one to your list, but please don't stream it. It is worthy of your dollars, you won't regret it. 

****1/2 Stars


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