SGT Rock Vs The Army of the Dead....4 Stars

 SGT Rock Vs the Army of the Dead: Part 2

To my knowledge, Bruce Campbell had no part in writing the classic Evil Dead movies & its subsequent tv series some decades after. He was simply the starring actor, and as such, I wondered if he had the writing prowess to write a captivating comic book, in to which the answer is after reading issue 2 of SGT Rock vs The Army of the Dead is a; resounding yes. 

In my first review, I wrote about how I loved the concept and the set up of this story, but it is this issue where Campbell's writing really shines, by setting the mood and the tone of a secret ops mission in world war 2, entrenched in the horror genre, but nothing too gory here, just pure Evil Dead fun and silliness. 

I had some SGT Rock comics as a young child and Campbell really brought that team back to life for me, as SGT Rock and company are a band of brothers who have each others back against the imminent threat of being eaten by the undead. If that doesn't get you stick together with your fellow bros, I don't know what will.

Finally, although the sales ticket here is Bruce Campbell's name, Eduardo Risso's art can't be understated in helping set the mood and dark atmosphere of this story. All around an enjoyable read. 

4 Stars out of 5


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