Batman #129.....4.5 Stars

 Batman # 129

I hope when Zdarsky and Ram V are done their respective Batman runs (Legendary in my opinion) they are given the keys of the castle to write about any characters of their choosing outside of the trinity. 

I therefore have my fingers crossed that they have a love for the DCU like Geoff Johns did, because I would rather see them writing titles other than Superman/Wonder Woman.

As for the review....

I really loved this comic, particulary the showdown between Batman and Failsafe out in space. I love how Bruce Wayne is up against something so formidable he literally has seconds to think of how to outsmart an android hellbent on tracking him down and imprisoning him....or worse. 

Just quality stuff by Zdarsky. We read comics for three reasons, 1) the characters, 2) the Writers, & 3) the art. This comic gets an A in all three categories. 

4.5 stars out of 5


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