
Batman #133....4 stars

 Batman #133 Been a while, I've been busy, but still have passion for comics, so let's get to the review.  Zdarsky's major flaw as a writer is that he has a tendency to take his storylines off the grid, thus you often find your favourite hero doing stuff off the beat and path, when you just want them fighting their traditional baddies. He did this over at Marvel with Daredevil; for the longest time Matt Murdoch wasn't Daredevil as he sought to clear his name, and therefore you found yourself reading stories about Murdoch in prison instead of  fighting crime in his traditional red suit. In Batman #133, Bruce Wayne is Batman, but he's stuck in an alternate universe, so Gotham and all the people in it, are of course not from Wayne's earth. This isn't exactly a novel idea, and while many a writer would most likely fail to keep their audience captivated, Zdarsky has one major strength as a writer.... he's naturally talented. When you've been reading comic...

Batman #132.....3.5 stars

 Batman #132....3.5 Stars If I had to point out a major flaw in Zdarsky's writing, it is that he often takes superheroes down plotlines that are frustratingly off the beat and path of the norm, so while you might like to see Daredevil fighting one on one with Kingping in his classic uniform, you instead get to read about him stepping aside as a superhero to undergoe a long stint in prison, while someone else takes his cowl. Likewise, you might like to see Zdarsky writing classic Batman rouge stories, but instead, we get a story arch about Batman being trapped in alternate universe, which might be appealing to Flash or Superman fans, but I think I can state with confidence that Batman fans like something a little more street level.  While Zdarsky is a strong enough writer to keep this mildly interesting, via showcasing how specific rogues and allies are different in this alternate universe, I'm already itching to see Batman return to the Gotham City of his own earth, thus despi...

Detective Comics #1068.....4.5 Stars

 Detective Comics # 1068 Spoilers In a war you need allies, people who have your back and make the save when you've been knocked down, and they don't necessarily need to be your friend, as the old adage goes "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"  Batman now appears to have at least two classic villains on his side. First Mr. Freeze and now Two Face, who have both saved Bruce Wayne from a foe that appears to be more formidable than Ra's al Ghul. Whether they are doing it out of affection for an old adversary, or an understanding that the presence of this knew foe in Gotham threatens their own existence, or both, is not what matters. What matters is that both villains have crossed the floor, which leads you to ponder the question. Will there by more Batman villains siding with Bruce Wayne in this fight, for if you include good ole Commissioner Gordon in this equation, Batman has had to  have his hide fished out the water three times now in this brewing battle.  Batma...

Batman #131....3.5 Stars

 Batman #131  When I think of superhero plotlines that deal with alternate universes and timelines, I don't usually think of Batman, but for better or worse, that's where Zdarsky is taking us as Bruce Wayne has been transported to an alternate earth by Failsafe, whereby Commissioner Gordon now looks somewhat like Mister Bones from Infinity Inc, and Harvey Dent plays the role of a Judge Dread antagonist.  Fans of Zdarsky will note that he often places his heroes in situations that are a bit off the beat and path, and while he's a good enough writer to pull it off, what I really want, and I imagine what a lot of fans really want, is for him to start writing some memorable showdowns with some of Batman's classic rogues. I hope we get to see it and read it.  3.5 Stars out of 5

SGT Rock vs The Army of the Dead #4.....4 stars

 SGT Rock vs The Army of the Dead #4 A little humour can go a long way in a comic book, and Bruce Campbell starts and ends this comic with some subtle little zingers that are bound to give you the giggles.  The comic itself is fast paced action, and Campbell is really good at creating that old school band of brothers feel amongst Sgt Rock and his crew. In short, good ole male bonding in the face of a threat that seeks to wipe them from existence. There is also a good dark, ominous feel throughout this comic that is reminiscent  of Evil Dead to an extent ,as Sgt Rock and his crew strategically stalk around zombie infested Nazi Germany, seeking to fulfill their objective of killing the Fuhrer's doctor, but one has to wonder.....will they encounter the der Fuhrer himself?  Fun and enjoyable...4 our to 5 stars. 

DC vs Vampires #12....3 Stars

 DC vs Vampires #12 When you come to a final issue of a special DC event, elseworld or otherwise, as a fan your expecting a great finale ending....this is not the case here, as it appears DC wants to continue sucking every dollar out of DC vs Vampires it can, by nauseatingly introducing  us to DAWN, the next ongoing chapter in the DC vs Vampires run...that's right it's not over yet.  Now I was thoroughly enjoying this run (Despite the overkill of spin off series) but there is something else here that is sort of bothersome.....sort of before I trigger everyone by using the W word, let me explain my political perspective.  Overall I'm a liberal, though I'm generally very non political. That being said, I am very well versed in political ideologies, in part because of a University degree, and past interest, so it's fairly easy for me to pick out something influenced by the philosophy of the new far left or far right, and.... while I'm generally a f...

Detective Comics #1067.....4.5 Stars

 Detective Comics #1067 If you are a comic collector who buys comics because you think their price will rise in value, than you might want to take a look at purchasing this run. For one, it's been so popular that they ran out of printed copies of the first Detective Comics issue written by Ram V, which means in time, it may be harder to find on the market. Two, the cover art for this series (including the harder to find variant issues) has been impeccable, and Ivan Reis's art has been of good quality. to say the least., and finally. of greatest importance of all, Ram V, is shaping up to be one of those writers who in the coming decades may sit along the greats like Alan Moore, Grant Morrison and Geoff Johns.  There are many words I could use to describe Ram V's writing, Masterclass, outstanding, prodigious, phenomenal, but whatever word I choose it cannot be denied that he is a true virtuoso in the field.  To be able to read a comic that keeps you completely captivated wi...