SGT Rock vs The Army of the Dead #4.....4 stars

 SGT Rock vs The Army of the Dead #4

A little humour can go a long way in a comic book, and Bruce Campbell starts and ends this comic with some subtle little zingers that are bound to give you the giggles. 

The comic itself is fast paced action, and Campbell is really good at creating that old school band of brothers feel amongst Sgt Rock and his crew. In short, good ole male bonding in the face of a threat that seeks to wipe them from existence.

There is also a good dark, ominous feel throughout this comic that is reminiscent  of Evil Dead to an extent ,as Sgt Rock and his crew strategically stalk around zombie infested Nazi Germany, seeking to fulfill their objective of killing the Fuhrer's doctor, but one has to wonder.....will they encounter the der Fuhrer himself? 

Fun and enjoyable...4 our to 5 stars. 


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