Batman #133....4 stars

 Batman #133

Been a while, I've been busy, but still have passion for comics, so let's get to the review. 

Zdarsky's major flaw as a writer is that he has a tendency to take his storylines off the grid, thus you often find your favourite hero doing stuff off the beat and path, when you just want them fighting their traditional baddies. He did this over at Marvel with Daredevil; for the longest time Matt Murdoch wasn't Daredevil as he sought to clear his name, and therefore you found yourself reading stories about Murdoch in prison instead of  fighting crime in his traditional red suit. In Batman #133, Bruce Wayne is Batman, but he's stuck in an alternate universe, so Gotham and all the people in it, are of course not from Wayne's earth. This isn't exactly a novel idea, and while many a writer would most likely fail to keep their audience captivated, Zdarsky has one major strength as a writer....

he's naturally talented. When you've been reading comics for decades, you know you've found a skilled writer when they can keep you captivated, even though he's taken you into a story arch you would otherwise been unenthusiastic about reading. In Batman #133, he really makes you miss Alfred, care about the alternate Selina, and find yourself entertained by the character twists of the traditional rogues like Harvey Dent and the Riddler. Now I just hope Batman finds a way home to his earth and fast. 

4 stars out of 5. 


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