DC vs Vampires #12....3 Stars

 DC vs Vampires #12

When you come to a final issue of a special DC event, elseworld or otherwise, as a fan your expecting a great finale ending....this is not the case here, as it appears DC wants to continue sucking every dollar out of DC vs Vampires it can, by nauseatingly introducing  us to DAWN, the next ongoing chapter in the DC vs Vampires run...that's right it's not over yet. 

Now I was thoroughly enjoying this run (Despite the overkill of spin off series) but there is something else here that is sort of bothersome.....sort of political.....so before I trigger everyone by using the W word, let me explain my political perspective. 

Overall I'm a liberal, though I'm generally very non political. That being said, I am very well versed in political ideologies, in part because of a University degree, and past interest, so it's fairly easy for me to pick out something influenced by the philosophy of the new far left or far right, and....

while I'm generally a fit good looking guy who would probably prosper in a matriarchal society, (so I have no problem with the advancement of women)... I don't like it when I can see blatant political currents in my comics trying to influence my perspective, so in short, the last issue of this comic.....felt kind of woke. 

(Spoiler)I didn't fully realize it until Barbara Gordon, (so far no rational given) takes out and kills Dick Grayson to become the chief vampire, but throughout this comic book women appear to take the prominent role, while the males tend to be back street drivers. 

Mary Marvel takes out both Captain Marvel and Superman (though aided with a backstab by Deathstroke) and Supergirl takes out Martian Manhunter and plays pretty much the big heroic role. Meanwhile, the most consistently physically dominant vampire is Wonder Woman. 

Outside the emerald archer, who wields no meta human strength, the most prominent male contributor is Constantine, in the form as a ghost, so he actually can't do anything except exert influence. 

Now I personally don't hold Conservative views on this topic. Thus, I don't think that the sky is falling in because fourth or fifth wave feminism, is seeking to reduce us all to wimpy beta males, but I do like a sense of biological realism in my comics, and realistically I doubt Mary Marvel could take out both Superman and Captain Marvel. 

Likewise, I don't think someone as highly intelligent as Dick Grayson would fall for the poisoned blood routine. 

One can only speculate as to whether Tynion is doing this consciously or not., but it is what it is, and realism suffers as a result. 

3 out of 5 Stars


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