Batman #130....2 Stars


Batman #130

As a self professed Chip Zdarsky fanboy, I have been looking to postpone the painful review of this issue that has been rightfully critisized by comic book fans on forums and you tube. That being said, I'm not going to give it one star, it is very readable, it's just not very realistically written when you take into account the probablity of what Batman realistically can and cannot do. 

Realistacally, Batman could fight an epic super villain in space and survive, though the probabilty would be rather low, but what he probably couldn't do is float for hours in space, while guiding a piece of scrap metal debris towards the earth, survive not burning up in the atmosphere with only the fabric of his specialized suit protecting him, and then someohow survive a fall from space to the earth by guiding himself to the fortress of solitude with his cape! Absurd!!!

 When reading this, one cannot help but think that your watching a Pierce Brosnen James Bond movie like Die Another Day, whereby 007 is able to survive a Tsunami by paragliding through the waves, likewise as explained above, Batman is able to surive a fall through the earth's atmosphere to somewhere in the arctic, by guiding himself with a cape.

Zdarsky and Jimenez are some top creative talent for sure, but while Zdarsky is busy writing The Spy who Loved Me  at best, and  Die Another Day at worst, Ram V is currently writing something close to Goldfinger or Skyfall over at Detective Comics. 

I stated before that I thought there was a competition between Batman and Detective Comics as to who the best writer is at DC, and that competition has been settled. Ram V is the GOAT. 

2 stars out of 5 


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