The Human Target 7.....4 Stars

 The Human Target # 7

Film Noir is the term used to describe the cynical gritty detective films of the 40's and 50's, so I wonder what a 1960's version would be called (Neo Noir?) because that is beautiful backdrop Greg Smallwood paints for us. Long cars & wide hotels, something that looks like a Sean Connery Bond movie situated in Florida. The main character himself looks like he could have been cast as the father on the Brady Bunch, or some 1960's sitcom like Bewitched. In short, I love his art, particularly the facial expressions, and sultry figures of Fire and Ice whom he brings to life in this comic. 

As for Tom King, he delivers, Smallwood and King make a great team, and even though this is rated 17+, I guarantee you I would have been enthralled with this comic at age 13. (Some of us grow up faster than others I guess) While the critics out there will decry character assassination, I think they are missing the point. This is an elseworlds story that doesn't hurt continuity, but what it does do is allow Tom King to work his magic by giving us a very creative adult themed take on the superheroes we grew up with. 

This is why I lament the sad, but inevitable emergence of free streaming, because this is art. Tom King and Greg Smallwood are producing something of quality, something that should be paid for and backboarded. 

4 stars out of 5


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