DC Vs Vampires All Out War #4......2.5 Stars


DC Vs Vampires All Out War #4 

Up to this point I thought this comic was fairly decent, but.....sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. 

There are some good characters in here, even if some of them are vampires (Mary Marvel, Booster, The Question, Midnighter, Shining Knight) but the major problem here is when the writing isn't on fire, or is somewhat substandard in quality; is that the minimalist ink tones (Primarily just red, black and white) throughout the comic employed by Qualano and Bright make it hard to follow as to what is going on, or at the very least doesn't bring the diversity of these characters to light. I think these ink tones stylistically would work great in a Batman comic, just not in a major epic event that showcases numerous heroes. 

2 and 1/2 Stars out of 5


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