Deathstroke Inc #12.......4 Stars

 Deathstroke Inc #12

If Ed Brisson is trying to market himself to become the next Green Arrow writer he's doing a pretty good job. I wasn't even aware that he was on Deathstroke Inc, until I decided to check this issue out on the off chance, after hearing that it was good....and it was. 

It's a fast paced action packed story that I'm assuming is a flashback from the past? Some Slade fans may be upset that the Green Arrow gets the drop on him, but Ollie is no slouch when it comes to hand to hand combat, and he has arguably the best marksmanship in the DCU (Save maybe Deadshot & Merlyn) 

The art is of top notch quality thanks to some great drawings by Dexter Soy. Brisson is an underated writer who has convinced me to pick up a title of a character I would normally not be that interested in, for at least one more issue. 

4 Stars out of 5



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