DC Vs Vampires: All out War #2....4.5 Stars


DC Vs Vampires #2

Just a quick review on this one. I'm probably giving it more stars than I should, but whenever DC releases a spin off mini series from the main title, one is always worried about the quality, because more often or not writers or artists who have not fully established themselves are on these titles, but in this issue at least, there is no need for concern at all. 

For me, the best DC comics are fun, and showcase a lot of heroes outside of the Trinity, or top 6, and this is what you get here. As a self professed Constantine fan this comic is of course is going to appeal to me as he plays much of the lead here, but it was great to see Mary Marvel smoke Wonder Woman, for as someone who has never had much interest in Mary Marvel, writers Alex Paknadel & Mathew Rosenberg do a really good job of making her likeable, and that's what good writers do. They intrigue your interest with a popular character like Constantine, and than delve into the personas and actions of other heroes who one may have not had much previous exposure to. 

The art here is decent, the writing is decent, but more importantly as stated before....it's fun!!!

4.5 out of 5 Stars


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