Suicide Squad Blaze: Issue 3.....3 Stars


Suicide Squad #3 (Final Issue)

Simon Spurrier is a good writer, but he lost me here primarily because he committed the cardinal sin of killing off all the characters of interest, in which I understand was probably the intent, but the problem being is that he didn't make his everyman character compelling or interesting enough to want to read on, once all the cool kids were dead. In short, his main character is not cool, but a boring underachiever with a lame ability that had me snoring through the latter half of this issue.

This is a dark gothic sci fi tale for sure, and I really did enjoy the first two issues because it was a throwback to the gritty DC Comic days of the mid 80's to mid 90's where violence and gratuitous language was what sold off the shelves, and even though it was a breath a fresh air in a DC comics world that probably hasn't been so tame since the 1960's, the reckless abandon in which some of my favourite characters were dispensed with (Particularly Captain Boomerang) reminded me why I'm not so bullish on wanting the DC comics of the 90's returning either. 

Simon Spurrier does  nail down characters perfectly though (His Harley Quinn was spot on) but as stated above, his own character creations just weren't compelling enough to carry my interest through to the finale.

3 stars out of 5


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