Detective Comics #1062.....4.5 Stars


Detective Comics #1062

Detective Comics 1062 is a tale of two comics. The main story written by Ram V is an enthralling 5 star read in my opinion, and the back up story written by Simon Spurrier, a dryer less entertaining affair, so let's start with the former. 

This month DC unveiled it's new all star writing team for both Batman & Detective Comics after having a shaky and somewhat transient creative team on the two titles for the last several months, with neither Chip Zdarsky (On Batman) or Ram V disappointing on their premier issue. Whether they can keep the quality up remains to be seen, but it's looking positive thus far. 

I don't like to give away too many spoilers when I think a comic is good, so I'll just say Bruce is doing a routing check near the shipyards when he finds that his timing is off in rounding up some run of the mill thugs, and he therefore has to deal with the possibility that something is either off, or come to the acceptance that he's just getting old. During this time an old love affair returns to town to warn him of an impending danger that is about to arrive in Gotham, and that his age is starting to slow him down. The impending danger itself doesn't sound to original to be honest, but in fairness the story hasn't even begun to unfold, and Ram V's pacing is excellent, as well as some pretty nice dialogue between Bruce and Dick Grayson (Nightwing). Finally, some pretty decent art by Albuquerque. I'm probably being generous here, but this is a five star debut for me, now for the backstory. 

Simon Spurrier's backstory is pretty dense and wordy, which wouldn't be a problem if the story was captivating, but unfortunately as stated before, it's a bit of a dry affair. The art by Dani doesn't lend a hand to the story either, as it's pretty murky, adding to the feeling that your reading something that is rather drawn out for a few pages. I like some of Spurrier's work, but I think part of the problem here is that he's invested heavily into the thought bubbles of a character (as much as many of us love Commissioner Gordon) that  I'm not to sure will be able to keep fans captivated enough to plough through the whole story, when they could be reading something a little more action packed from a superhero in the Bat family (or outside of it) who currently doesn't have their own title. As the backstory is part of the comic....

4.5 Stars


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