DC vs Vampires #7.....4 Stars

 DC vs Vampires #7

There are two big DC events going on, both of which are pretty much elseworld stories in some fashion or another. Williamson's Dark Crisis (are events that may take place in the near future) and Tynion's gothic DC Vs Vampires marathon. They are both great, but which one is better???

I can tell you which one is more fun, and that would be DC Vs Vampires. Tynion's witty but funny dialogue between the characters makes this series great, from Hal Jordan in issue #1 wanting a smoothie, to  Mister Bones making some humorous comments in this issue. 

Yes I said Mister Bones, and that's another reason why this comic is so wonderful, in an era whereby literally every DC title is related to the Trinity, and there is little room for titles outside the top 6, it is great to see a title that is showcasing the wide array of heroes in the DCU.

And this is where DC Vs Vampires has Dark Crisis beat in my opinion. In Dark Crisis the heroes in the spotlight tend to be the newly established 5G characters or new Titan characters that lets face it....fans aren't to hot on....

but in DC Vs Vampires, in this issue alone you get Peacemaker, Adam Strange, Mister Bones, and Wild Dog! Again, yes you heard me correctly Wild Dog!!! Fantastic!

Now this issue is fun, but not full on 5 stars, or 4.5 stars for that matter, and Dark Crisis definitely has the better art, Otto Schmidt has drawn the worst Constantine I've seen in a long time, but outside of that, it's worth your dollars.

4 stars out of 5


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