Dark Crisis Issue #2......4 stars

 Dark Crisis #2

This has been getting a lot of unwarranted criticism from fans on social media forums, you tube, ect,  for not being exciting or in depth enough in regards to the writing, to which I say, I disagree. In terms of exciting, I think the action has been suitable as it falls in line with the story nicely. In short, I've read a lot of overhyped junky commercialized comic books events over the decades, and I'm happy to say that this is not one thus far, as I can see that Williamson is attempting to craft a well thought out story that has flow, which is why I'm not particularly bothered by the fact that it's not a technically in depth story. The last thing I want in a compacted 7 issue event, is for it to be covered with long speech and thought bubbles. So what do I like and dislike about Dark Crisis so far? 

My biggest problem with Dark Crisis is that it doesn't take place in the present, which by default pretty much makes it an elseworlds story, which takes all the stakes away. In short, if a hero dies he's not truly dead, which brings me to my big grievance. It would have been much better if Deathstroke had blown away Beast Boy, as it would have created more buzz around the comic. (Now in the past I was always vehemently opposed to killing off a hero.....but since virtually almost all my favourite male heroes have been scrubbed off at one point, well.....let someone else endure the pain) 

What I enjoy most about this comic is that it doesn't circulate around the Trinity, that we get such an overabundance of in DC titles, at the expense of other heroes in the DCU, so it's great to see the B and C listers in the spotlight. Finally, although it would be my strong preference for Hal Jordan to be the permanent member on the JLA (as opposed to always being sidelined from it these days) it' great to see him, and both Black Adam take on the senior leadership roles. 

Finally, Daniel Samper's art is incredibly good, he really brings the heroes to life. Worth your dollars.

4 stars out of 5.


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