Black Adam: The Justice Society Files, Hawkman 0 stars


Every now and then I have the misfortune of encountering changes to characters I like in a comic that makes me so irate that I can't even review the comic, solely on it's written and artistic quality....and this is one of the moments. 

There are two things in this story that bother me, one is a minor irritant, and the other is a major irritant. So let's start with the minor irritant first. 

1) Minor Irritant: Hawkman Racial Bending:

I don't mind a little racial bending here and there if it fits the characters background. A lot of Huntress fans were PO'd that her skintone was changed, but it didn't bother me that much, because some Sicilians have a darker complexion, though she looks darker now than your average Italian, so if they want to stay true to the character's heritage, they may want to try to nail the skin tone of the region, of course however, fans all know, the racial bending has nothing to do with staying true to the character.

If a Hawkman series were to come out and Carter Hall's skin tone was the general Arabic pigmentation for the region than it wouldn't bother me at all (Thanagar origin changes and all,) because that's probably what he would look like, and he would probably look similar to the Carter Hall we all love, instead of in this comic looking like Mr.T. 

There are a couple of theories as to why racial bending is taking place a lot in DC. 1) It's an easy way to bring in more racial diversity, 2) Woke DC, 3) Comics don't matter, racial bending is introduced for future multimedia casting on TV, film ect. Whatever the reason, I just wish they would do it so it fits the character, and doesn't radically alter their appearance to make them look completely different. 

2) Major Irritant: Gentlemen Jim's origin change

Gentlemen Jim is one of my all time favourite super villains, and his original origin story of being a Victorian Highwayman is the one I think is the greatest, and the one past writers have implied is still in effect....well not anymore. 

In his original origin story, after terrorizing Victorian England with robberies as a notorious Highwayman, Jim Craddock sails over to the United states to carry on his life of crime, but running in bad circles he's accused of sexually assaulting someone's woman, a crime he did not commit, but nonetheless is murdered by an outlaw by being hanged to death, whereby he returns as a vengeful spirit. 

Now that is a cool origin story! but now it's been changed by a pipsqeak writer into something boring typical and lame. He's now simply a common thief on a mission (I'm assuming on Thanagar? The story doesn't make the setting clear) who collides into a building and dies after being chased by Hawkman. LAME!!!! 

I'm assuming this comic is continuity and if it is than.....

I fart it out my ass! Political correctness can get stuffed, Cavan Scott can suck a D! Get the message!

0 stars out of 5



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