Batman #125.....5 Stars

 Batman #125


"A new Era Begins" is a fitting cover title for the much welcome and anticipated arrival of Chip Zdarsky's arrival on Batman, after his excellent run on Daredevil over at Marvel, and he does not disappoint in his first issue. I don't want to give too many spoilers away, so I will first make the point that his co-ordination with Jorge Jimenez' art is superb, and I was so happy that the main villain upon his first issue was not the Joker, but another big name villain that I was pleasantly surprised to see. 

The dialogue in this comic is also done very well, in which Zdarsky brings out the importance of family to Batman visa vi Tim Drake, for as we all know, Bruce Wayne tragically lost his own parents at a young age, and thus built a new family of young vigilantes. Therefore his greatest fear at present is losing one of them...again. This has me wondering if this new villain who shows up on the final page, will begin to target what Batman holds dear the most?

Batman has gone through a bit of a rough ride of late after Tom King left. Tynion is a good writer, his DC Vs Vampires is great, and JLD was solid, but....his Batman felt like I was reading a kids comic, and although I like Williamson, street fighting characters are not his best suit. 

So I am happy that DC has brought in the heavyweights on its premier Batman titles. (Zdarksy on Batman) & (Ram V on Detective Comics) 

Let the new era begin, and let it be filled with sales for Batman.

5 Stars out of  5



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