Shadow war Omega 1#.....2.5 Stars

Shadow war Omega 1#


Joshua Williamson is a good writer, but he does have his limitations, and in my opinion one of those limitations is his inability to really shine when it comes to writing street fighting heroes. I don't think it's really his fault, I just don't think it's his forte. Perhaps his upbringing or life experiences hasn't necessitated the experience to write the gritty personas required for the street life of the DCU? But for whatever reason, this drawback of his does show up in this comic, but before I touch on that, let's look at some other downsides of this issue. 

If your a fan of Black Canary, you'll be disappointed after reading Shadow War Zone issue #1, as it appears her plotline from that issue ends here, and she only plays a small cameo role. (Perhaps DC will backtrack the history in another issue)

If your a fan of Geo Force you will also be disappointed as he plays the villain here in a largely recycled plotline (Hero's city is destroyed, the hero wants to kill for revenge) 

So the plot and characters equals two strikes and here is the third, it just feels too kiddie, particularly with the presence of Rose Wilson. (Whose the rocket scientist that thought that creating a teenie bopper legacy character for someone as badass as Deathstroke would be a good idea.) The 14 year old in me calls bullshit on that. 

That aside there is some good written content in here, particulalry when it comes to the relationship between Bruce and Damian, and that's why Williamson's Flash run in part was so good. When it comes to family relations Williamson is an ace. He nails this stuff, which is why I think he would be so much better on Superman writing Clark Kent, than the dark and gritty world of Gotham and assassins.

 2.5 stars out of 5


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