Dark Crisis #1.....3.5 Stars


Dark Crisis #1

So the proposed series that caused a huge kerfuffle, and an imminent fan backlash over a year ago has finally been released in it's amended form. For those who are unaware of what this kerfuffle was, I shall enlighten you. Former DC Comics head executive Dan Didio had proposed a big event dubbed 5G, which would see the existing JLA (DC's top 6 superheroes) replaced by younger more diverse carbon copies of them. This understandingly caused a fan backlash, not because they are against diversity of course, but rather because they do not want to see their favourite heroes replaced, and sidelined to obscurity. Despite this, Dido kept pushing the idea, fans kept pushing back, and Didio was fired, so the fans won, or did they? 

Knowing that 5G was too much of a hot potato DC scrapped the idea, but not in it's entirety, for there would still be a 5G, the story would just take place further down the road, and therefore not directly impact existing titles and heroes like Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana ect.

For me personally, my top favourite big six member of the JLA was pretty much replaced a long time ago, and as I'm not a big fan of the trinity....I'm not overly bothered by the initial 5G concept of replacing Bruce or Clark, so pick it up I did, and enjoy it I did even more.  

Williamson is on top of his game here, the panel of Hal reacting to Wally West trusting Black Adam, nails down the character perfectly. Hal at the end of the day has always been a space cop, and has been a little less....open minded than his best friend Oliver Queen. 

The second best panel was Deathstroke pulling the trigger on Beast Boy. Now I use to be opposed to killing off people's favourite heroes, as DC continually targeted mine (I've lost just about almost everyone of my favourite heroes at one point) but.....as this is not in the present continuity....let the Titans carnage begin. 

3.5 stars out of 5




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