SHADOW WAR ZONE #1......3 Stars


So two of my favourite heroines showed up in Batman comics this month, and in a world of shrinking comic titles outside of the trinity, I'll take what I can get....which is not a lot these days. The headliner of Batman Shadow War Zone is therefore non other than Black Canary, and even though I don't think Joshua Williamson's forte is writing street fighting heroes, I am happy to at least have a decent writer on Black Canary. The story is okay, but short. 

The rest of  the comic isn't really worth the read unless your into Talia Ghul & Tynion Batman characters. I didn't bother to read it to be honest, but I did notice that Ed Brisson, the guy who had a decent Ghost Rider run awhile back over at Marvel, is on the book. Man, imagine writing Ghost Rider and than being contracted to have to write Tynion's shitty Batman creations, like Clownhunter & Ghostmaker. Brutal! At least throw the guy a JLD or Constantine title. 

I'm not panning this comic because I like Black Canary, so pick it up if your a fan of hers, otherwise don't.

*** Stars


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