Batman/Superman World's Finest #3....4 Stars

 Batman/Superman  World's Finest #3

I've already written two reviews raving about how good this series is so far, so I'll make this one brief. 

Mark Waid has been on the top of his game for this series, and this comic has a little bit of everything for the DC fan. The two most prominent members of the trinity (Batman/Superman), team heroes (The Doom Patrol) Teen heroes (Robin & Supergirl) and in this issue, members of the JLA.

In a marketplace where DC has shifted so heavily into Batman that the rest of the DCU is being forced into limbo, the appearance of the Doom Patrol has been a welcome addition to this comic, because that is what I love about DC, not the trinity, but the plethora of obscure & interesting heroes that seems to dwarf Marvel Comics. 

I would give this 5 stars like the first two issues, but for two things. Unless I missed it in issue 2, the story doesn't really explain how Robin & Supergirl are able to communicate with the ancient guardians of Japan, other than apparently Supergirl speaks their language??? Thus if there is one weak faultline in the story so far, that would be it, that and a member of the JLA who goes evil a little too much, is once again under the influence of Batman and Superman's foe. 

However don't let that discourage you, the run so far has been excellent. One of the best DC comics out there right now. 

**** Stars 


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