DC Vs. Vampires #6..... 5 Stars

 DC VS. Vampires #6

If your looking for DC VS. George R.R. Martin, than you will love this series, because DC's heroes and villains are dropping like flies. It's a fun and fast paced read, but just make sure you've got your garlic and crucifix on hand, because some notable DC heroes have joined the ranks of undead. 

DC VS Vampires is an elseworlds story, which is great because it gives the writer James Tynion a lot of leeway to do things that he would never be able to do in the DCU, most notably kill of major heroes and villains, so if you haven't started reading the series yet, than ALAS read this blog no further because there are major spoilers below.

Here is the kill count of just my favourite heroes and villains so far, and were only half way through the series!!! (Lex Luthor, The Riddler, Flash (Barry Allen), Zatanna, Captain Boomerang, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) Red Hood (Jason Todd) and Batman??? I'm not so sure about Batman, even with his heart ripped out he has an uncanny ability to survive. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts to become a vampire of the night, who alongside the remainder of the heroes, takes on the army of the undead. 

Finally, don't fret about holes in the continuity, it's an elseworlds story, just enjoy the ride. 

***** An all in comic store buy alert for DC VS. Vampires. 


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