Green Lantern #12... 3.5 Stars

 Green Lantern #12 

I must confess that I dropped Green Lantern after issue 3 or 4, as I wasn't overly impressed with Geoffrey Thorne's writing, but...after reading this issue, maybe I dropped the title prematurely. 

I picked up this issue because I heard they were doing something transcended with John Stewart and boy did I hear right. I really enjoyed this issue because the source showed up, who is pretty much the Jehovah of the DC Universe, in short god, and I like the whole heaven and hell mystic side to the DCU, but to add to that, it appears that Thorne undoes the decades of guilt John has had to endure as a result of unwittingly perpetuating an intergalactic genocide (the destruction of Xanshi) by saving his friends and resurrecting life on OA? (I'm speculating here, as I haven't been following along) If so, that has been a long time coming. 

It does now appear that John Stewart has been bestowed with god like powers which will make him more powerful than the other GL's, so it looks as if were headed for Kyle Rayner Ion territory. 

John's not my first pick for GL, but I like him enough to have picked up his first run decades ago in Green Lantern Mosaic, and I liked this issue enough to give the series a second look. An above average read.

***1/2 stars


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