Death of the Justice League #75....2 stars

 Death of the Justice League #75.....2 Stars

So a disclaimer, I do not regularly read the Justice League as a result of my favourite big six member being consistently excluded from the team (Hal Jordan), so therefore my perspective on this issue might be limited, but in talking with those who do read the JLA, it would appear that my major complaint about this issue is justified, in that their is absolutely no build up to the teams deaths in the story!

The story starts off with your run of the mill plotline that you get whenever there is a big bad entity threatening all of existence; ( the heroes are assembled together by some important force that explains to them that a great evil has been unleashed upon the universe, which needs to be stopped, yada yada.) 

Then to my surprise Pariah (a character who played an important role in the first crisis) shows up, and at first I'm thinking cool, perhaps he will provide some Dr. Who wisdom & insight into what is happening, and lead the heroes to a safe haven, but no, in typical stereotypical (done a million times) fashion he announces he's evil and on the side of the great darkness, because it will restore the multiverse and save everyone. (To be fair to Williamson,  this is the guy that unintentionally released the Anti Monitor)

Now before I proceed, I just want to say there is some good stuff going on in this comic, Black Adam is written very well, as well as Ollie and his brief save of the day, but....

They KILL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OFF WAY TOO FAST!!! One panel! One panel and the trinity, Superman, Batman, & Wonder Woman are toasted. I'm sorry but if your going to kill off Superman and Batman, you have to make it the whole issue not one page. SUPERMAN one panel!!! At the very least it should take three pages to kill him off, and he should go down fighting.

So why the rush? Simple, this whole death of the Justice League isn't about selling the death of their characters and having some interesting protege's and established heroes take over for awhile (Nightwing, Wally, ect) it's about promoting their amended 5g Bullshit that no one wants, except a few politically charged fanboys! In short, pushing a few relatively brand new  legacy characters who were created more so for politics than marketing & sales. (The under 17 demographic base hasn't  changed as much as current people with political agendas would like you to believe)

I was originally going to give this a 2.5, or 3 stars, but considering it's supposed to be a huge event, and the writer himself doesn't really appear to be that passionate about the story arc. ** stars.  


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