The Human Target: Issue #6.... 3.5 Stars

 The Human Target: Issue #6

Ahhhh, Tom King, the writer who has been naturally bestowed with the superpower of character assignation. All he needs to do is put his pen to the paper (or fingers to the keyboard) and the magic begins, and he sure does not disappoint with The Human Target Issue 6. 

After having Fire engage in a lustful affair with Martian Manhunter in the last issue, Tom King directs his character assassination powers towards Ice by turning her and the main protagonists in the story into murderers. Who do they kill you ask? Well none other than Ice's creepy stalker boyfriend Green Lantern Guy Gardner! (Yes they kill off Guy Gardner, but it's okay because it's an elseworlds story, which means it takes place in a world outside of the DC mainstream universe. In short, Guy is alive in present continuity.)

After stalking Ice and attacking Christopher Chance (the main hero in the story) for the umpteenth time.  Ice freezes his body, and Mr. Chance knocks his head off  with one punch. If recollection serves me correct the rest of Guy Gardner's body breaks apart into frozen ice blocks. One can only imagine the smell once he begins to dethaw. 

But what does this all mean??? Well, if you read this and are disgusted, horrified, p'd off, or think it's just plain stupid, than logic would state that you shouldn't buy it, but......if you find it even  a little bit slightly intriguing, you may just want to go to the comic store, and start reading from issue 1. 

*** 1/2  Three and a half stars 


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