Batman/Superman World's Finest Issue #1.... 5 Stars

 Batman/Superman World's Finest Issue #1 

A disclaimer, despite being a huge DC comics fan, I've never been a huge fan of the trinity, but when I heard Mark Waid was back at DC writing the said issue in review, I had to check it out. 

For those of you don't know, Mark Waid is a comic writer of legendary status, primarily for his memorable work on the Flash in the 90's, which is remembered by critics and fans alike as one of the greatest Flash runs in DC comics history. In short, it's good. Recently, I read his Doctor Strange series that Marvel sadly cut short, for I felt it was quality stuff, so does Waid still have the magic touch....

Yes, the issue is great! It starts with Poison Ivy attacking Metropolis with Batman & Robin quickly subduing her, and Superman showing up in toe. As they debate as to who should take her in, Metallo shows up and injects Superman with red kryptonite, causing him to have a mental break with reality, in which he proceeds to enter into an erratic state of violent behavior, but with the aid of the Doom Patrol, and a little bravery on Batman's end, Superman is brought to his senses, and than falling into a state of unconsciousness, is taken to the Doom Patrol's manor to be examined by Niles Caulder (Pretty much the Professor X of the Doom Patrol) which sets things up for the next issue. 

The thing that makes this issue great is Waid's ability to pack a lot into the plotline while keeping it fast paced and entertaining, as well as nailing the character interaction between Bruce & Clark. Finally the art,  (by Dan Mora) is of good quality as well. 

***** 5 out of 5 stars


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